Study at Home – Assignment Program

As the whole world is going through the current COVID 19 pandemic crisis, normalcy of life has been put on hold. All day today activities have been affected and everyone is forced to stay indoors to contain the spread of this virus.

While all of this is beyond our control , there still are a lot of things we still have control over. All over the world, humans have been showcasing unique inspiring ways they are coping with the current situation by innovating their daily chores, duties and means of work.

As the school is shut due to the nation wide lockdown, we have come up with an idea to keep your minds engaged through a new challenge. We will be hosting a Study at Home activity for our students. For this activity, we will be posting engaging scenarios, activities and questions that you would need to complete during the shut down period. The idea behind this actvity is to challenge your young brains to utilize your time at home.

To successfully conclude this activity, it is mandatory for all students to complete the assignments and submit them when the school reopens. Students from each class will be ranked on the basis of these assignments. The best ranking students will receive an award.

Assignment 1 – Routine Building

Assignment 2 – Week 2

Assignment 3 – Week 3